ally jian

VP of External Affairs

Hometown: Walnut Creek, California

Major(s)/Minor(s): Sociology, Minor in Music

Past Position(s): Class President

Ally is a fourth year Sociology major with a minor in music. She has an interest in the field of HR because she enjoys working with people, but also has developed an interest in the field of marketing due to her time in AKPsi as well as her current job.

When she is not working as the VP of External Affairs, you can likely find her working (or just hanging out) at Snag, or cooking her favorite meals for her friends. She loves creating niche Spotify playlists to listen to at the beach or on a long evening drive. Since she joined AKPsi in the spring of her third year, she has developed life-long friendships as well as gained valuable skillsets that she will take with her when she graduates, and she will cherish these last few months of her college life with her brothers.

Ally’s Recommendations: Rick and Morty