Dewey Duong

Vice President of Operations

Hometown: Santa Ana, California

Major(s)/Minor(s): Economics and Accounting Major

Past Position(s): Audit Chair

Dewey is a third-year Economics and Accounting Major with a Minor in Applied Psychology. He is passionate about problem solving and building personal relationships, which has led him to pursue an Audit and Assurance internship with CohnReznick LLP. As he gains valuable insight into a variety of different industries and develops his knowledge of the core financial statements, he intends to apply his newfound skills into his future career aspirations in management consulting or high finance.

Dewey joined AKPsi his first year and is appreciative of the life-long brotherhood he has made. The fraternity has been pivotal to his personal and professional endeavors and he is ecstatic to foster a collaborative and fun environment for prospective members in his new role as Senior Vice President. On his free time, Dewey loves to cook Asian dishes with his friends. His favorite creations have been Shrimp and Pork Spicy Wontons and Budae Jjigae, and he continues to build his skill set in the kitchen.

Dewey’s Reccommendations: The Boys