Emily Kim

VP of Administration

Hometown: San Diego, CA

Major(s)/Minor(s): Economics & Accounting and Applied Psychology

Emily is a second year Economics and Accounting major pursuing a minor in Applied Psychology passionate about pursuing opportunities in auditing or finance in the entertainment industry. As someone who values building meaningful connections with the people around her, she hopes to prioritize teamwork in the workplace.

When she's not busy balancing her balance sheets in excel, Emily finds peace in watching MasterChef, going to the gym, painting, playing the guitar, and cooking. Joining AKPsi has provided her with a welcoming community of individuals who she can grow personally and professionally with. The memories she has made in such a short time have been extremely meaningful, and she is excited to see what will come next with her brothers.

Emily’s Recommendations: Shameless, Parasite, "No Thanks, I'll Pass" - Kylie Dailey