Eunice Lee

Co-Director of Creatives

Hometown: Diamond Bar, CA

Major(s)/Minor(s): Communication major and Spanish minor

Past Position(s): Class President & Marketing Chair

Eunice Lee is a second-year, Communication major. Interested in creative/brand marketing as well as project management. Her dynamic and innovative communication skills has positioned her as a natural leader among her peers. In college, Eunice has found passion in transforming ideas into colorful campaigns, showcasing her understanding of the intersection between effective communication and successful project execution.

Outside of Eunice’s academic and career lives, she spends her time exploring new music, watching animes, cooking for her friends, photography, thrifting, weightlifting, and going to cafes. Eunice views her involvement in the fraternity as a platform to contribute to a vibrant community and make a lasting impact. As she steps into this new creative endeavor, Eunice Lee looks forward to leveraging her skills to enhance the fraternity's outreach efforts, welcoming prospective members with visually stunning representations of the shared values and spirit that define this close-knit community.

Eunice’s Recommendations: Anything SZA, Anything Daniel Caesar, Anything YE, Anything Drizzy, Anything Sam Kim, Anything Studio Ghibli, The Office, Popmart Blind Boxes (Hirono), Tzuyang’s Mukangs