Isabella Chichioco

VP of Membership

Hometown: San Mateo, CA

Major(s)/Minor(s): Communication Major and Philosophy & Professional Writing Minor

Past Position(s): Vice President of Marketing

Isabella Chichioco is a 4th year Communication Major with two minors in Philosophy and Professional Writing from the Bay Area. As someone who grew up enjoying all forms of media from fantasy novels to animated movies to bullet journaling, Isabella developed a keen interested in creative storytelling. This passion has fueled her interest for her future endeavors, such as writing and design. With this in mind, Isabella hopes to pursue a career in Product Marketing and Sales Enablement after graduation.

After her school and work, Isabella loves winding down at home with a good K-drama or a book to read. She also enjoys cooking a lot, especially with her friends and housemates. Some of her favorite recipes to make are chicken udon, mapo tofu, and hot pot. With friendship being a huge value to her, Isabella is really grateful for the community she meant in Alpha Kappa Psi. Now with her college career coming to an end, Isabella will always cherish the memories she has made with her brothers.

Isabella’s Recommendations: The Brothers Sun, Avatar the Last Airbender, NO SZNS (Jean Dawson and SZA), End of Beginning (Djo)