Co-Director of Creatives

Hometown: Riverside, CA

Major(s)/Minor(s): Communication & Sociology Double Major, Applied Psychology Minor

James is a fourth-year double majoring in Communication and Sociology with a minor in Applied Psychology. Music, video games and art and have always been something that’s inspired him. These inspirations have influenced him to pursue a career in branding and marketing. He hopes to help build brands and marketing campaigns that generate lasting impact on their viewers. Some brands that have had lasting impact on him include New Jeans, Knock2, Pokémon, League of Legends, and Valorant.

On his free time James enjoys watching shows with friends, discovering new EDM artist, playing video games, and lifting. Having joined with the Beta Delta class he holds the fraternity and brothers close to his heart. He attributes some of his favorite and most precious moments to the fraternity and his brothers. He looks forward to getting to grow more as a person through the experiences he shares with the fraternity.

James’ Song Recommendations: How2Fly (ISOxo), Rock Ur World (Knock2), Ditto (New Jeans), dontstopme! (ISOxo), Anaheim (NIKI), and Genie (Girls Generation)